Where is Nechako Outdoors located?

We are located in Vanderhoof British Columbia, in the heart of the province.

How long has Nechako Outdoors been in business?

We have been in business since the late 1970s

How Do I Get a Hunting License in BC?

Hunting licenses can now be obtained online, via the BC Government website. You will need to register for a BCeID (an account that provides secure electronic access to online government services) in order to find and obtain your license. Get general information as well as the link to register for your account here.

What Do I Need to Know about Hunting and Trapping Regulations in BC? 

Download the Hunting and Trapping Regulations Synopsis provided by the BC Government for 2020 – 2022. Learn what you should do before, during and after a hunt with plenty more resources and information.

How Can I Get a Salt Water Fishing License in BC? 

All fishing enthusiasts looking to cast out on BC’s tidal (salt) waters of BC must have a license to do so. It’s recommended to purchase the license before you leave, which you can do online here.

Do I Need a License in BC to Fish in Rivers & Lakes? 

Yes. If you are a new angler who’s not yet registered on the BC Government site for a fishing license you can start by doing so here (if you’re already registered, just have your angler number handy to register online for this licence.) 

What Do I Need to Know as a Recreational Angler in BC? 

Regulations, responsible fishing practices and important resources for recreational fishers can be found on the Government of Canada site here. 

Where Can I Find Tidal Chart Information Online? 

The Government of Canada has new water level tools available online to help you predict tides, currents and water levels. These tools include apps for desktop computers and mobile devices. Learn more including how to use them here.